Crafting Re-engagement Emails for Dormant Hotel Guests

Crafting Reengagement Emails for Dormant Hotel Guests

Keep your email list healthy to maximize the success of your marketing campaigns, and re-engagement emails are an effective way to reconnect with dormant customers and bring them back into the fold.

An effective win-back campaign relies on having an eye-catching subject line. By offering high-value incentives in the form of benefits or promotions, emails with these subject lines will make recipients more inclined to open, read and convert.

1. Create a Personalized Email

Email can be an integral component of your hotel’s communication strategy with guests before, during, and post-stay. Email allows your property to familiarize them with its offerings while setting expectations and creating upsell opportunities – and building brand loyalty among guests.

Your email marketing must be tailored specifically for each subscriber in order to increase open and engagement rates. A personalized email is perceived by recipients as more interesting and relevant, from as simple as including their first name all the way through to providing information based on past stays or behavior patterns.

Email sequences can be an effective way of engaging dormant subscribers, whether that be welcome emails or event promotions aimed at drawing guests back into your hotel for holiday festivities. The key here is making the content and design visually pleasing so it stands out amongst promotional emails in their inboxes.

Attract dormant subscribers by offering them special discounts or upgrades – it will likely bring them back into your hotel and lead to increased conversions and revenue!

After creating a targeted re-engagement campaign, it’s critical to monitor its email marketing performance to ensure its success. By looking at metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, engagement rates, unsubscribes and conversions you can gain insight from results to optimize future campaigns and refine future approaches. You should also regularly remove inactive subscribers to keep a healthy email list and prevent emails landing in spam folders which could reduce deliverability significantly.

2. Create a Convenient Unsubscribe Link

Email marketing requires a delicate balance of timing, frequency and content. Send too frequently and you risk spamming subscribers; send infrequently and you risk becoming forgotten altogether. Re-engagement emails serve as the pulse and bass drum of any campaign’s orchestra – when executed perfectly they provide all of the ingredients necessary to reignite lost relationships and keep campaigns alive and well.

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Whilst it may be tempting to send out a re-engagement sequence email blast to revive dormant subscribers, don’t go overboard – overdoing it could result in them tuning out or simply ignoring your messages altogether. Instead, use your re-engagement email as an opportunity to give subscribers options.

An integral component of any successful email is having an easy and unobtrusive unsubscribe link that’s clearly marked on every email sent out. Doing this helps maintain respectful and courteous relations with subscribers while giving them an option to resubscribe if they so choose. When someone clicks your unsubscribe link, make sure they’re taken to a page which clearly outlines how to re-subscribe if that was their choice.

Duolingo, a language learning app, uses its previous purchase data on users to send personalized emails encouraging them to come back – reminding them of benefits missed while being inactive and offering discounts for future lessons.

Eversign, an online digital signature software, sends out friendly and welcoming emails to its dormant users in order to reengage them by emphasizing all the features of its service and reminding them that signing documents only takes 15 minutes, saving both time and energy in the long run.

3. Create a Call-to-Action

Re-engagement email success requires understanding your subscriber’s habits. Think about the frequency and number of emails you normally send each week; tailor your reactivation campaign accordingly. Sending more than four or five per week at once could seem aggressive to subscribers who may then file them away as spam without opening.

An effective call-to-action is key in any email campaign, but especially crucial in re-engagement campaigns. Your email should encourage recipients to take an action by offering discounts or incentives and boost interest in inactive subscribers enough for them to make an online purchase or visit your website.

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Your subject line is the front door to your re-engagement email campaign and plays an essential role in its overall effectiveness. Making use of an eye-catching subject line will increase open and click-through rates – make sure it includes an attention-grabbing message to draw inactive subscribers’ eyes!

Starbucks employed personalization to drive engagement through their “We Missed You” re-engagement campaign, while language learning platform Duolingo took it one step further by customizing their offer based on each subscriber’s interests and prior purchases, creating an email that felt tailored specifically for that user and significantly increasing re-engagement rates as a result.

Your email should contain a prominent call-to-action button that stands out above the fold and features an arrow or circle to ensure readers can easily spot it. Benefit-driven button text should encourage readers to click, while its shape and size help make sure that it stands out amongst other content in the email.

4. Include a Link to Your Website

Included a link to your website as a way of encouraging customers to interact with it again is a sure way of encouraging customer interaction with your brand again. Add product offers or call-to-actions that relate back to what your business offers without feeling like spammy sales pitches.

To encourage subscriber engagement and potentially drive them back to your site for purchases, offer discounts. Be sure to test this strategy first to determine its efficacy before including it as part of your re-engagement campaign.

Re-engagement campaigns should be tailored specifically for inactive contacts and should feature personalized messaging that will drive engagement rates higher and impact sender reputation negatively. Therefore, to protect the brand reputation you should take steps such as assigning dedicated IP addresses or subdomains for sending these re-engagement emails.

Crafting an effective re-engagement email requires creativity and an in-depth knowledge of your customers. Furthermore, timing the campaign so it will have maximum effect; targeting lapsed customers during holiday seasons or purchase periods may increase engagement levels more effectively than sending it at any other time.

ALSO READ  Designing Welcome Back Emails for Returning Guests

Are You Needing Re-engagement Emails? Look No Further. Automizy Is an easy-to-use email automation solution designed specifically to automate re-engagement sequences without coding knowledge. Drag-and-drop email elements into responsive templates for your re-engagement campaign before setting triggers – Start Your Free Trial Today!

5. Include a Reminder

Re-engaging dormant subscribers is key, and following up with them should be an effortless process. By sending personalized emails that remind recipients how they first joined and the benefits that come from staying engaged, as well as provide an easy way for them to update their preferences by leading them straight to your preference center, it will increase the effectiveness of this work.

One effective strategy to increase engagement is offering incentives such as discounts or upgrades. Utilizing data, you can discover what products or services your dormant customers are interested in before crafting an irresistible offer that makes it hard for dormant customers to say no to re-engagement emails.

Example of an effective re-engagement email by EZ Melts. By recalling subscribers’ past purchases and asking if they’re still interested in hearing from them, this email reminds subscribers that they may be missing out on sales or exclusive offers that come their way. Finally, it provides them with access to their preferences center where they can change their preferences or alter email frequency settings.

Re-engagement campaigns may vary in terms of time and timing depending on the industry and customer lifecycle of your customers, yet you should never let dormant subscribers become completely inactive. With targeted win-back campaigns or even just continuing sending regular emails despite them having become inactive you can re-engage them more successfully to maintain healthy lists with high engagement rates. This will keep both your list healthy and your engagement rates strong.