How to Use Website Widgets Effectively in Hotels

Customer expectations in today’s age of instant gratification have never been higher, making widgets indispensable tools in helping customers quickly locate what they are seeking.

Many hotels use reviews widgets on their websites to present guest feedback directly, building trust with potential guests without redirecting them away to another site or online travel agent (OTA). This creates an efficient means of providing guest service and ensures quality stays.

Price Check Widget

Price check widgets on hotel websites are an invaluable way for hotels to increase direct bookings and reduce commission fees, as they allow guests to book rooms at the best possible rates for their trip. It is also an effective way for hotels to build long-term relationships with guests and increase loyalty.

Price Check Widget is an innovative tool that automatically compares rates from various OTAs, displaying your guests with the lowest available rates for the dates they need to book directly with you and reminding them of all of its benefits – helping increase direct bookings and boost brand value in turn.

No doubt OTAs dominate the online booking market, yet hotels can make the most of their marketing efforts by giving guests an exceptional experience. Offering them a price comparison widget on your website is one effective way of offering this convenience – guests will love being able to book their stay directly without needing to navigate other third-party booking websites and search for their stay elsewhere.

Your guests are more likely to book again with your hotel if they know that it always provides competitive prices. By using a price check widget, you can promote repeat bookings and increase revenue per room.

Price comparison widgets have the added advantage of being fully customizable to your hotel website’s design – for instance, choosing colors that complement its overall appearance can make life much simpler!

Reviews Widget

Reviews are one of the primary considerations hotel visitors use when making booking decisions, so displaying these reviews on your website may help increase booking conversion rates and build brand equity.

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Many hotels use tools that connect their website to online review platforms like Tripadvisor and Trustyou, by loading reviews from these third-party sites into an iFrame or script on their own site. Unfortunately, this may adversely impact search engine optimization efforts as well as slow down load times on your website.

Widgets provided by third-party review sites often do not fit seamlessly with your site design and can appear cluttered; in addition, additional maintenance costs will arise from using these widgets. By embedding reviews directly onto your website, you can avoid these disadvantages and maintain full control over both content and layout of the widget provided by these third parties.

With Elfsight Hotels Reviews widget, you can showcase customer testimonials in an eye-catching manner and increase their credibility by including logos or photos of reviewers, their names and dates of stay – you can even hide any unnecessary elements to make the testimonials look minimalistic and more trustworthy. Plus, its five shiftable elements allow for quick conceal/show actions, plus three display modes: Icon Logo or Text for each review source!

Additionally, you have the choice between grid or slider layout for your reviews. In grid view, individual reviews can be highlighted one at a time while slider mode presents them in an engaging carousel with autoplay feature allowing for infinite scrolling through of reviews – this mode also allows you to add new reviews or adjust how many slides appear per slide.

Another popular widget option is the Yelp Hotels Reviews widget, which can be integrated into hotel websites to show ratings and reviews from this popular travel resource. However, it should be noted that Yelp cannot guarantee the authenticity of reviews it displays and may take down reviews for any reason – however its brand recognition and large user base may make this an investment worth making.

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Booking Widget

Website widgets are small applications that can be added to a website to add specific functionality, making it easier for visitors to interact with it and adding features such as live chat, social media feeds, contact forms and ratings. Furthermore, widgets add a personalized touch while making the site more customer-oriented – something hotel websites could certainly benefit from having them added easily for customer engagement!

Installing a hotel booking widget allows guests to book directly with you instead of through online travel agents, increasing your revenue and giving you control over the booking process. Installation is quick and works seamlessly across any CMS including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix or Squarespace.

Booking widgets make property booking effortless across devices, providing guests with a smooth booking process while decreasing abandonment rates – this simple tool helps your conversion rates and expand business growth.

Reviews widgets can help potential customers see that you are an honest partner, while simultaneously building trust with your target audience by showing how you respond to negative reviews. According to TripAdvisor research, over 60% of users who read negative reviews are more likely to book with an establishment when there is an immediate management response following negative comments posted online.

Hoteliers often fear reviews widgets because they lack control over the content displayed, yet honest reviews remain vital for attracting guests and building trust with your visitors. If you’re concerned about receiving negative reviews, ask someone trusted like a colleague or friend to write one for you instead.

Weather widgets can also be an effective tool, providing visitors with current weather updates that reassure and build trust among your visitors, especially in beach or ski destinations where weather plays an integral part in making decisions.

Influencer marketing is another effective strategy to attract visitors. Widgets provide an easy way to connect with influencers within your niche and showcase their work on your website, while also being used for retargeting purposes, which could lead to an increase in website traffic and bookings.

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Social Media Widget

If you want to enhance the credibility of your hotel website and increase direct sales and bookings, social proof is key. Showcase comments from some of your most satisfied guests as an effective way to reassure prospective guests, build trust and credibility among guests who visit, reduce friction between visitors and increase user experience.

Social media widgets can help build trust between visitors and your brand while driving new traffic to your hotel. By including sharing or link options for Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok to your website visitors are encouraged to follow your page, visit your hotel’s social channels and engage with content from there.

Widgets allow you to add valuable information to your webpages quickly and cost-effectively without incurring the time and financial commitment of hiring professional copywriters. They also offer real-time feedback that helps build customer relationships; for instance, by including a customer support widget onto your website you can quickly guide visitors through troubleshooting or resolving issues quickly – Amazon’s self-service product return feature serves as an exemplary example, helping customers navigate this process without needing to contact an employee first.

Widgets can drive engagement by providing personalized experiences for each visitor. A personalisation widget that greets users by name and suggests relevant recommendations based on previous interactions can make users feel valued and understood; it is, however, essential that any widget collecting user data be compliant with GDPR or similar privacy laws.

When adding widgets to your site, it’s best to place them where they will have maximum relevance to visitors and ensure that they will see and pay attention. By placing them strategically on pages where other content works well with them, you can maximize their effectiveness and boost conversion rates.