Author: motelmarketing

SEO Best Practices For Multilingual Hotel Websites

June 30, 2024

Optimizing a multilingual hotel website involves understanding the difference between local and national search traffic, and customizing SEO strategies accordingly to capture each type of visitor effectively and ensure an optimal browsing experience, leading to higher rankings and bookings. Implementing Canonical Tags consolidates ranking signals for similar pages, preventing content dilution and guaranteeing users receive […]

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Social Media Branding Consistency for Hotels

Social media provides hotels with a powerful marketing tool to promote their property, establish an authoritative online presence, and interact with guests. However, effective hotel social media marketing requires a consistent strategy tailored to the features of each platform. Instagram provides hoteliers with an ideal platform to showcase their hotel and its surroundings visually, while […]

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Creating SEO-Friendly URLs for Your Hotel Website

June 28, 2024

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization,” and refers to a technique designed to increase the visibility of hotel websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO includes various elements, including keywords, meta tags and structured data structures. Begin by researching which keywords your audience searches for when looking for hotels, and select those most relevant […]

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The Power of Abandoned Cart Emails for Hotel Bookings

Email remarketing can be an extremely effective revenue-generation channel. Use it to capture visitors who browsed, but did not book, as well as convert abandoners with an eye-catching subject line. Today’s customers expect and reward companies that deliver hyper-personalization. One way of providing customers with this personalized experience is using data-driven emails. 1. Social Proof […]

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The Importance of Mobile-Friendly Content for Accommodation Providers

June 27, 2024

Hotels that prioritize mobile experience will find themselves reaping increased visibility and bookings. No matter where your guests may be browsing from – their phone, laptop or in-room – they will easily be able to view your website and complete a booking transaction with ease. Create an intuitive mobile interface that makes it simple for […]

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Integrating a Content Delivery Network for Faster Website Performance

June 24, 2024

Speed and performance of websites is of utmost importance when it comes to visitor satisfaction, traffic growth, search engine rankings and user experience. Utilizing a content delivery network as part of your strategy for improving these factors and giving visitors a fast, optimized experience. CDNs help speed up loading times by caching content on servers […]

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Creating a Blog Strategy for Your Hotel Website

June 23, 2024

Blogging can be an invaluable asset to a hotel’s digital marketing strategy, leading to increased website traffic, social media engagement, and search engine rankings. When used effectively, blogging can increase website visitors, social media engagement and search engine rankings – creating the opportunity for increased conversions on all fronts! Blogging helps hotels showcase their individual […]

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The Role of Social Media in Hotel Market Research

June 22, 2024

Hotels are increasingly using social media to market their offerings and connect with guests in ways traditional marketing channels cannot. Furthermore, these tools offer valuable feedback and data which can be used to enhance the customer experience. Hotel chains are taking advantage of messaging platforms to offer direct bookings through their mobile applications, with this […]

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Creating Local Landing Pages for Your Hotel Chain

Your potential guest doesn’t care about your hotel itself; what they care about is how it will benefit them. With a local landing page, it enables you to showcase what services and amenities your hotel provides and how they can fulfill his travel needs. Integrate your hotel logo onto the landing page so that visitors […]

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Automated Emails Every Hotel Should Be Sending

June 21, 2024

Email automation can help hotels engage their guests more closely by keeping in constant touch and being responsive to reservations information. Furthermore, this form of automated communication serves to personalize hotel marketing efforts. Email marketing campaigns provide a valuable means for collecting data and monitoring results, giving you insight into their effectiveness. 1. Confirmation Email […]

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