Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Why Your Content Doesnt Attract Links Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Why Your Content Doesnt Attract Links

Writing content that doesn’t attract links is one of the most frustrating things in blogging. However, there are some easy mistakes you can avoid if you know what to look out for.

First, you need to create content that’s worth a link. This can be anything from an infographic to an article that provides value to readers.

1. You’re Not Creating Linkable Assets

If you’ve been in the marketing world for any length of time, you know that backlinks are crucial to the success of your website. They help boost your organic search traffic and increase referral traffic.

Whether you’re building links on your own or you’re hiring an SEO agency, it’s important to have linkable assets at the ready for your outreach and promotion efforts. Otherwise, you’ll spend hours on outreach and promotion without achieving any real results.

The first step is to identify the types of content that attract links – we’ll call them “linkable assets.” These can come in many shapes and sizes, but they have one thing in common: they must provide value to your audience.

This can take the form of guides, reviews or any other type of content that your audience might find useful. Ultimate guides, for example, are magnets for backlinks because they’re so comprehensive and helpful.

These are also great for building trust with your readers and establishing your site as an authority in your industry. They’re also highly ranked on Google for high-volume keywords, which helps with rankings and organic search traffic in the long run.

However, it’s vital to keep your linkable assets fresh – you don’t want to publish an entire guide in one day, only to have it outdated a few months later!

Another way to ensure your linkable assets are relevant is to research trends and topics. This can help you identify new ideas and opportunities for creating useful content.

Once you’ve identified some potential linkable asset ideas, it’s time to make them happen! Depending on the nature of your business, it might be best to create a team to brainstorm and produce these resources.

When you’re generating ideas, make sure your team is working together and that the incentives you offer are fair. An experiment from a few years ago found that participants who were rewarded based on creativity did better than those who were rewarded for simply completing a task.

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A resource page is a great example of an asset that can easily be updated, making it easy for you to get new links and earn more backlinks as the years go by. But a resource page is only valuable if it’s created with your audience in mind, so make sure you’re focused and goal-oriented when creating it.

2. You’re Not Creating Linkable Assets With a Purpose

One of the most difficult parts of blogging is attracting links. The truth is that publishing a great piece of content that people will share and link to takes time, experience, and resources.

But, it’s not just about the hard work and expertise – it also involves actively promoting your content and trying to get it in front of as many people as possible. This can be a challenge, but it’s worth it.

If you’re having trouble attracting links to your content, then it may be because you’re not creating the right kinds of linkable assets. These are content pieces that will attract backlinks, shares, and citations because they provide value to your audience.

In the world of SEO, these kinds of linkable assets can be in the form of articles, blog posts, infographics, video, and more. However, the key is to create these content pieces with a purpose in mind.

First, consider what your audience wants to know. This means taking an in-depth look at the topic you’re writing about, making it easy for them to understand, and ensuring that they can find the information they need without a struggle.

Next, think about how you can help your audience solve their problem – this is a great way to earn more links by putting out an asset that helps them. Examples include a comprehensive list of resources, a step-by-step guide, or an article about how to overcome a specific challenge.

Another good linkable asset to have is original research – this can be in the form of an analysis, study, or report that compiles data from multiple sources. Having a solid resource that your audience can use to better understand the topic will ensure that they’re more likely to click on your content and link back to it in their own blogs or articles.

It’s important to note that these types of linkable assets can take a little time and effort to create, but they will pay off bigtime in the long run. Plus, they’re an excellent way to improve your site’s authority in your niche and increase your SEO rankings.

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3. You’re Not Creating Linkable Assets With a Specific Purpose

Why Your Content Doesn’t Attract Links

If you’re having trouble getting your content to attract link backs, it might be because you’re not creating the right kind of content. There are many different types of content that can be used to promote a business and build traffic, and each type has its own set of benefits.

In order to create the most relevant and linkable assets for your business, you’ll need to understand your target audience and what they want from your content. This will help you create content that satisfies searcher intent, holds informational value and has the potential to be shared by influencers.

You’ll also need to keep in mind that your brand voice will determine how you can craft content that appeals to your audience. This will vary depending on the specific niche, but the goal is to create content that feels natural and comfortable to your audience.

This might mean using a casual tone in your blog posts or engaging in conversations with other businesses that share your niche and are interested in promoting your content. It might also mean reaching out to influencers that can provide valuable citations.

Another way to increase your linkability is to create content that is more authoritative than the competition. For example, if your competitors have blog posts on the same topic that rank well and attract a lot of links, consider creating a more authoritative piece of content that lists more ways to achieve the same goal.

Then, use this authoritative content to earn additional links from other websites that cite it in their own content. This will help you to improve your page’s authority and get more exposure from Google’s algorithms.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that the more unique and original your content is, the more likely it will be to be cited and share. This will give you a competitive edge, especially in a fast-paced industry that changes rapidly.

It’s always a good idea to test out new ideas before committing to them for your website. If you’re struggling to find the right types of content to build links, you may need to rethink your strategy and experiment with a few different options before finding the best fit.

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4. You’re Not Creating Linkable Assets With a Specific Purpose

If you’re struggling to attract links from authority sites, it may be because your content doesn’t have a specific purpose. Creating content that people want to share and link to requires time, resources, and expertise.

But you can create linkable assets that will help your website earn the links it needs to rank highly in search results. The first step is to write high-quality, evergreen content that will remain relevant and useful for your audience long after you publish it.

You can do this by writing in-depth blog posts that answer questions within your niche market. Use a tool like SEMRush to discover what keywords are being searched for the most in your industry and then start publishing content that answers those questions.

Another way to generate linkable assets is to write about topics that have not yet been discussed on the web. Using this technique, you can make your content more unique and stand out from the crowd.

For example, if you’re in the food industry, you could write about “Joe Hall Eats 23 Hot Dogs In One Day.” But you would probably be better off writing about “How To Eat 23 Hot Dogs In One Day” or something else more relatable.

Similarly, you could do a list or ranking of products in your industry, like “The Best Brands to Buy Online in 2018.” This type of content can also be very effective at gaining traction on social media and attracting links from authority websites.

The biggest problem with these types of articles is that they aren’t always popular. They aren’t necessarily relevant to the average person and they can also be pretty boring. However, if you’re a company with a large budget and a big following, they can be extremely powerful tools to get your content seen and to earn valuable links from authoritative sites.

In addition to providing value, the most important reason why these pieces of content are able to attract links is because they are useful and unique. The information they provide is oftentimes in-depth and has a lasting impact on their readers. Ultimately, these are the type of content that will make your brand and your site stand out from the crowd.