Creating Content That Showcases Your Staff

Behind-the-scenes refers to everything happening behind an audience’s back; for instance, in a theater production there may be people responsible for setting up props, costumes and quick changes for quick changes as well as making sure everything runs smoothly throughout a performance.

Team videos can be an effective way to highlight the work that happens within your company and build rapport with viewers. By including humorous details about employees, team videos are also an ideal way to add personality and build trust between employees and viewers.

Employee Profiles

Employee profiles add a personal touch to digital experiences and are an integral component of website content checklists. Unfortunately, some employees fail to recognize the value of these tools and often do not complete them – this typically is not due to indifference, but more likely due to an apathy on their part as they don’t see how their information could benefit other users.

To increase employee engagement, try reframing the importance of an employee profile differently. Instead of treating it simply as documentation, highlight all the ways it can assist employees with tasks such as finding answers quickly, connecting with coworkers easily and tracking work contributions more accurately. Encourage them to fill out their profile so they can take advantage of these benefits and encourage them to complete it!

An attractive profile can also bolster the message behind your brand. By featuring team member backgrounds, skills, and passions as part of its profile writing, you can position yourself as an employer who values its employees while increasing staff morale, recruiting new talent, increasing customer loyalty, and improving online reputation.

An employee profile can also help ensure compliance with legal and ethical requirements, such as hiring minority candidates. Employee profiles can help identify their qualifications and establish a fair hiring process; alternatively, if you’re having difficulty filling open roles with qualified candidates, employee profiles make finding your perfect match much simpler.

Employee profiles are an invaluable asset to any business. To increase engagement and ensure all employees feel appreciated, make them accessible to them all and offer clear instructions for filling them out. Make sure your software contains safeguards to protect privacy and stop unauthorised access to personal data, so as to allay any concerns of employees about the privacy of their information and encourage them to complete their profiles. If your employee directory is out-of-date, make it a top priority to involve all staff in creating and updating it before sharing with the public. Otherwise, it could turn into an incomplete database that does not serve its intended purpose.

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“Behind the scenes” refers to any unseen or unknown components of an event or situation. Offering behind-the-scenes content gives your target audience a glimpse into your business operations – photos, videos or blogs can provide them with an inside look into how products, services or events come to fruition.

BTS content humanizes your brand and builds trust with customers. It can also serve as an effective way of showcasing team talents – for instance, posting pictures of team members who created an eye-catching display or provided quality haircut services can highlight these skills while making your company seem more approachable.

Team members featured in your BTS content can include both internal and external employees. Photos taken of internal staff may be shared on websites, blog posts or social media; when selecting photos to use for internal staff use on websites or blog posts. When selecting photos it is essential they be professional-looking while reflecting the personality of your business; to do this effectively it may help having an experienced photographer take staff photos to make sure everyone looks their best and fits seamlessly with branding requirements.

BTS may include videos that showcase your employees at work or community service events, offering both entertainment and education for viewers. Such videos can help establish connections with an audience in an intimate way – for instance posting one of your team members explaining how they designed or helped organize local charity events could create a great way for customers to relate directly.

Before posting images or videos featuring employees online, be sure to get their consent before publishing anything that includes them on social media or your website. They may feel their work does not reflect well on your company, or may feel uneasy having their image online. Also keep in mind if an employee leaves that new photos must be obtained so as to update your site accordingly.

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Behind-the-scenes features, commonly referred to as making-of or on the set documentaries, provide viewers with a glimpse into the making of movies and television shows. These films typically premiere alongside their theatrical release or as bonus features on DVD/Blu-ray releases.


Video content can provide your target audience with a more intimate glimpse into your business. Behind-the-scene videos can serve multiple functions; such as showing how one of your products are created to giving an inside look into who works at your company and their personalities.

Sharing videos of employee events like staff parties, workshops or lunch meetings are an ideal way to showcase employees in an informal and unforced setting. Allowing for personalities and quirks to come out can humanise your brand.

One reason this content can be so effective is that it helps build trust with your target audience. By giving customers an intimate view into how you and your team operate day-to-day and the work ethic that guides your company, this type of video allows them to connect more closely to your brand while increasing loyalty and trust between them and you and them – keeping customers coming back time after time!

When posting this type of content online, be cautious not to overshare. Avoid showing any embarrassing moments that could harm the business’s image – such as messy desks, unhealthy workspaces or unfavorable co-worker interactions.

Finally, these videos can also serve to showcase any special events or projects being undertaken by your company, creating anticipation amongst your target audience that could potentially result in future sales.

Show Business Interiors created an excellent video for their project with some of the UK’s biggest house building companies, detailing all the steps of how they bring homes to life and helping customers connect more personally with Show Business Interiors – it has inspired conversations around their offices as well as building trust among customers. Click here for more information about how Show Business Interiors can bring your dream home to life!

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Blog Posts

Blogging is one of the best ways to present your staff in an engaging and unique manner, helping your followers get acquainted with you more closely and develop more personal ties to your company. Blogging also plays an essential part in building trust between businesses and their audiences – something blogging is perfect for.

Blog posts come in all forms: from tips and tricks to case studies – but all should focus on giving readers something fresh and unique to read about. Photos and videos can add an engaging personal touch that encourages audience participation.

Example content would include creating a blog post featuring some of your team members with photo or video shoots or interviews, showing your audience that your team consists of real people who care about what they do. It can also showcase company culture while encouraging others to join your team.

Use behind-the-scenes content to showcase how your product or service is manufactured, whether that means sharing time-lapse videos of production processes or by showing images and videos from them. Doing this gives audiences insight into what goes on within your company day-to-day while increasing trust and building loyalty with their brand.

Another excellent use for behind-the-scenes content is to promote any events your company is holding or participating in, which can drive more visitors to your website and social media pages while simultaneously increasing sales and engagement with customers. Furthermore, this may provide your organization an opportunity to give back to the community while showing your customers you care.

When creating behind-the-scenes content, ensure it is authentic and focused on building a relationship with your audience. Avoid posting anything that might give your business a bad image such as disorganized desks or inappropriate employee behavior. When your audience feels connected and trusted with you they will more likely share your content amongst themselves which can further expand your business’ reach.