Designing Welcome Back Emails for Returning Guests

Brands recognize the importance of welcoming new subscribers into their email lists with welcome emails that don’t come across as spammy or intrusive. But how can they ensure these welcome messages don’t seem like unwanted spam messages?

Welcome back emails should be written in a friendly tone in order to create an organic relationship between reader and sender. Furthermore, they must not leave any doubt as to why the reader has received the email in the first place.

1. Keep it short and sweet

Welcome back emails should grab new subscribers’ attention by featuring an engaging subject line and content body, as well as providing clear calls-to-action and providing them with the option to opt out if desired.

As a rule, short welcome back emails tend to be better received because people tend to be busy and don’t have time for long ones. A properly constructed welcome back email should be clear, concise, and focused on communicating the benefits and values associated with your product or service.

One way to engage new subscribers and keep them coming back is to show that you care by including personal touches in their welcome back email. This could range from simply saying something like, “We’re glad you’re back,” or something more specific like their favorite memory or quote.

Your welcome back email can also help build stronger relationships with subscribers by inviting them to connect on social media and experience your brand in new ways. This will allow customers to experience it more closely while creating an engaged community of customers around your brand.

Your welcome back email should reflect the values and culture of your company. If your organization prides itself on being welcoming to families, make sure this aspect comes across in your emails.

Attract new subscribers more effectively by using your welcome back email as a platform to promote social responsibility efforts. For instance, highlight corporate giving programs and offer subscribers an opportunity to get involved by making donations or volunteering – this will demonstrate to subscribers that your brand cares for its community while simultaneously building trust between your brand and them.

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2. Make it personal

Welcome emails are an opportunity for your brand to shine, and it is key that they make an impressionful first impression for many customers. An email marketing software with customizable templates makes creating welcome messages that truly represent your brand easy – they look great too.

As an example, if you own a restaurant, your welcome back email could highlight all of its distinctive characteristics and the appeal it holds for diners, while encouraging subscribers to book tables. In addition, use it as an opportunity to announce any exciting new developments such as an expansion.

As part of your welcome back email, it can also be useful to include information about how subscribers can reach you with questions or issues. This helps create strong customer relationships while still giving them the option of opting out from communications they no longer wish to receive – as seen with The Arts Council’s welcome back email which includes customer service links as well as links to their blog and social media channels.

For your welcome back email to be effective, it is imperative that your message is concise. Your subscribers have busy lives; making your point quickly will ensure the best response rate from them.

Welcome back emails should aim to drive ongoing engagement with your business. If you’re having difficulty coming up with engaging welcome back emails, testing different ones might help determine the one that performs the best. An email marketing software like Flodesk may make this task simpler with its selection of beautiful and eye-catching templates which provide the ideal starting point for new relationships between subscribers.

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3. Make it relevant

Integrate content that speaks directly to the next steps in your user’s journey into their welcome back email. For instance, if you have created help content to guide customers through using your product, include links in this email so they can find answers to any of their queries more quickly and efficiently.

Create a short video walking your returning customer through its key features of your app or website to establish familiarity and excitement for their return, so they can jump straight into work.

An email welcoming back your audience can make them feel valued and cared about – this can be especially effective in building brand affinity or loyalty, for instance by introducing yourself or the team, as well as showing how your product or service fits into their lives.

Assuming your company specializes in travel assistance, welcome back emails can introduce the team members working hard on this effort. Likewise, an online retailer could use these emails as an opportunity to tell stories of how you helped someone during their purchase or journey.

Welcome back emails are an effective way to remind returning customers about any special offers or deals that might be in store, driving ongoing interest and engagement – often more so than sending individual offers after the fact.

Your welcome back email should reflect the unique personality of your brand, making it more relatable and inviting. Doing this can also strengthen brand recognition in an authentic manner; for instance if your brand specializes in adventure and exploration you could incorporate that tone of voice into the email as part of its welcome back process.

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4. Make it fun

Your welcome emails must make new subscribers feel valued, which means adding a touch of humor that promotes engagement with the brand and increases fandom. A quirky graphic or illustration stands out in their inbox and reinforces how well people know you as an entity.

Email marketing campaigns provide an ideal way for companies to connect with their audiences while also showcasing their unique culture. This feature can especially useful when representing an ethical fashion label or family-focused restaurant that are looking to convey this culture directly to its target market.

Welcome emails can be difficult, as they’re typically the first messages your subscribers will encounter from you. To ensure they meet all their objectives, it’s wise to plan out a welcome series beforehand in order to determine timing, message frequency and how much content to include per email.

Planned welcome sequences offer many advantages for businesses: one is being able to collect vital customer data through asking pertinent questions; this can then allow for more tailored communications in the future. You could, for instance, collect feedback through surveys or quizzes or offer welcome discounts if your subscribers appear likely to use your solution.

Welcome emails are also great because they allow you to establish clear goals – something which can often be challenging with general marketing emails. A welcome email might encourage subscribers to share their experience on social media or provide a call-to-action that drives further engagement with your brand.

Welcome emails can help your customer have that “Ah ha!” moment when they realize the product or service will provide value to them. According to former Facebook head of growth Chamath Palihapitiya, this step in any business’s operations should be prioritized; when customers perceive value in your product they’re more likely to stick around!