How to Use Pop-Up Notifications Responsibly on Hotel Websites

Scarcity messages that display limited availability can help create FOMO and spur bookings, as can targeted notifications based on user characteristics like location, device type and browsing history.

Make updates available instantly via real-time push notifications – they have a higher open rate than email and can increase website and app traffic.


“If you build it, they will come” may have worked well in Field of Dreams; but in the hotel industry it takes more than that for visitors to book direct. Websites must be easy for guests to navigate while providing clear and precise details about what services and amenities your property provides.

Clean, modern designs are essential in creating an engaging hotel website that communicates your brand’s message effectively while turning visitors into bookers. Designing responsively-styled sites that can adapt to various screen sizes will ensure that content fits perfectly on each device used to access it and images are optimized according to device.

One of the key components of any hotel website are engaging photos that give prospective guests an impression of your property and what to expect when visiting. When posting actual rooms and facilities photos instead of stock photography, guests will get an accurate portrayal of their stay experience. Furthermore, adding past guest reviews helps build trust with potential guests as well as increase pricing power by showing social proof of its quality of service delivery.

Making use of a responsive and mobile-friendly booking engine is another essential step towards turning visitors into bookers. An integrated reservation system will streamline the booking experience for guests by eliminating steps such as signing up for an account or entering information multiple times, eliminating frustration along the way and speeding up conversion. Furthermore, ensure your booking engine coordinates seamlessly with the design of your hotel website to prevent confusion between the two which could potentially displease customers and hinder conversion rates.

Pop-up notifications on your hotel website can be an effective way of drawing customers’ attention, provided they are designed properly and used sparingly. Otherwise, too many pop-ups will only cause irritation among your visitors and force them away rather than take action themselves. Exit intent pop-ups are one great way of encouraging guests to book directly while geolocation-based pop-ups provide you with the capability to show specific messages to visitors from specific countries or cities.

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Imagine walking through a bustling marketplace when suddenly, out of nowhere, a vendor offers something that perfectly catches your interest. That is how pop-up notifications work for hotel websites: unobtrusively yet eye-catchingly so as to entice visitors and drive them towards conversions.

Pop-ups can be an effective way to grab visitors’ attention in multiple ways; their message should match each form of notification for maximum engagement. Pop-ups should be activated by an event relevant to visitor experiences on your website or app such as clicking a specific page, submitting forms, downloading mobile applications etc.

One of the most effective pop-up notifications are those that employ FOMO (fear of missing out) to generate urgency, scarcity and excitement among their target audiences. By broadcasting limited-time deals or offering exclusive rewards for new customers, these pop-ups are guaranteed to increase click-through rates and convince more people to convert.

Display user reviews, ratings and testimonials as a powerful way of creating high-converting popups. Not only will these help your brand establish credibility amongst users, they’ll also inspire trust among them – increasing the chance that they’ll take action and convert. A lightbox can be used effectively here as it uses darker background to draw the eye of users so they’ll interact with content in order to continue browsing.

Pop-up notifications can also display announcements and time-sensitive offers and promotions to your visitors in a countdown timer or full-screen message format, helping to drive traffic and generate revenue by advertising your hotel’s restaurants, spas, attractions or other experiences to them.

If you want to take your pop-ups one step further, try using OptiMonk’s Smart Popups which offers customized messages based on multiple variables. By offering different messages to different visitors based on their preferences and interests, this tool can improve UX, deepen relationships with visitors, and drive conversions.

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Popup notifications can be an extremely powerful tool in expanding your hotel business when used correctly. However, it is important to remember that popups should not be used to bombard visitors with irrelevant or too many messages; rather they should be strategically placed and designed to deliver pertinent information that will assist visitors with taking the next step in booking their room or signing up for your email newsletter.

If you offer an ongoing promotion that is available to both new and returning guests, it could be beneficial to include it in a popup at the top of your site that appears when users begin making reservations. By doing this, you can capture their email addresses, as well as send targeted emails encouraging them to complete their booking with your hotel.

Popups can also serve to inform website visitors of any important policy updates or alerts that could significantly alter their experience with your company. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hotels should use push notifications on both apps and websites to keep guests up-to-date about any policies related to this pandemic – this type of messaging will increase engagement, retention, and ultimately conversion rates.

An effective way of driving engagement on your hotel website is displaying user reviews in an engaging popup window. This demonstrates trust between brand and customers and may help convert potential buyers when shared across social media channels.

Floating bars are another effective tool that you can implement on your hotel website to promote special offers or deals. They don’t interrupt user experiences like full-screen popups do and allow for targeted content promotion related to each visitor’s browsing history.

Popups offer many different solutions that can help your hotel increase sales and engage website visitors, yet crafting the appropriate popup message requires both art and science. Crafting compelling headlines with eye-catching visuals that attract your target visitors while considering their time spent on your website are two key components. By using Picreel you can easily customize popups based on behavior, location or referral source.

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Lightbox popups can help achieve almost every marketing goal you could conceive: growing your email list, increasing pageviews, increasing webinar registrations and driving sales. They come in various shapes and sizes that can be tailored specifically to meet the needs of each business, with each type containing its own set of display rules that determine when and where it appears.

Targets include location (show a specific popup to visitors in a certain country or city), device type, time of day and prior website behavior. You could also utilize triggers like when someone’s cursor nears exit/back buttons of browser or how far down they have scrolled your site. Furthermore, specific pages could display different popups; for instance displaying different tour booking incentives on home vs tours pages etc.

Web push notifications can be an extremely efficient way for hotels to expand their app and website subscriber bases. With an opening rate much higher than emails, these push notifications offer your hotel the perfect way to keep its subscribers engaged – whether that means giving updates about flights they have booked or informing them about new services you’re offering.

With this type of personalized communication, hotels can create greater trust with app and website subscribers – leading to more business opportunities and customer retention. However, be careful not to overuse push notifications as these can quickly become annoying to users.

GDPR guidelines dictate that when using pop-ups on your hotel website, it must comply with GDPR guidelines. This means being clear about their purpose and usage by your hotel – particularly for pop-ups that cover important information like privacy policies or booking details – making opting out easier for visitors. With these simple tips in mind, your hotel website should soon be using pop-up notifications responsibly!