Tips for Displaying Room Details and Amenities on Your Website

Displaying room details and amenities on your website allows potential guests to see exactly what they will receive by selecting that accommodation, helping them make more informed decisions faster and book their trip sooner.

Make your accommodations stand out by adding amenities to the Property & Amenities tab of each listing. Here are some helpful tips:

1. Use High-Quality Images

Visual stimulation pervades our world today, and quality images have the power to capture visitors and keep them coming back for more. Studies have shown that visual information is processed 60,000 times faster than textual information; so high-quality imagery must be present on websites if viewers want an enjoyable online experience.

High-quality images can attract visitors and keep them on your website longer, which helps reduce bounce rate. When taking photographs of notable features and amenities in a room or of your property, be sure to use images that are clear, crisp, and well-lit; over-editing can degrade their quality and appear unnatural.

High-quality images help communicate your message more efficiently than text alone. For instance, if you offer personal training services, an image of a smiling client could demonstrate the value of working with you more than any list could ever do. Professionally created pictures also build trust and establish credibility among their target audiences.

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